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Chiropractic Blog

Dr J’s 12 Days of Albury Wodonga: Eateries you simply MUST try…
Food is essential. This idea is glued to the forefront of our minds as we approach the Christmas period, adopting the personal slogan ‘I...

My Secret to Getting up with Back Pain
Getting up with back pain can be a struggle. Watch this great video to learn how you can get up to protect your back. Back pain shouldn'

Back Facts to Keep You Active
Bottom Line: Nothing can slow you down faster than a bad back. It can be difficult to exercise, play sports, or even get to the grocery...

Bad Disc Slowing You Down?
Bottom Line: Spinal discs play an essential role in your low back, acting as small shock absorbers and giving you the ability to move in...

Your Spine & Stress...
Bottom Line: Back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Maybe that’s how you discovered chiropractic care. The research supporting chiropractic...

Getting sick is…normal?
Believe it or not, getting sick is a body signal that your immune system is working! Yes, you read that correctly. Every single day you...

Recovering from a Holiday Hangover 101
Prolonged stress, long travel and maybe just one too many fruitcakes can all contribute to the dreaded holiday hangover. Well, with the...

How to Reduce Stress in the New Year
Bottom Line: Are you overwhelmed by stress? Well, you're not alone. Studies show over 54% of people are concerned with the amount of...

How to Feel More Energized in 2018
Hey there! Happy new year. Let's get 2018 off to a great start with abundantly more energy. Keep reading to learn how... Bottom Line: The...

Step 1 & 2 to a Back Pain Free Desk
Ouch, my back hurts… Sound familiar? Do you stand up after hours hunched over your desk slaving away, only to find your feet numb, pins...
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