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Meet our Chiropractor

Dr Janine Adams

​I love being a Chiropractor and have for years (30 this year in fact). I still get a thrill from being a part of changing people’s health & life on a daily basis.  My parents had my spine checked by Chiropractor, Dr Bill at the age of 5 years old and I have never looked back.

The “lesson from Mum” I still live by is always ask people to stay for dinner, even if you think what you have isn’t good enough. If I could spend a week anywhere in the world, it would be in heaven with My Dad, Mum & my daughter.

I love cats. Currently I have Saint Penny (who is no Saint!) who is a rescue. She's pretty crazy and also Professor Frankie. In fact, I love cats so much I would happily live in a house full of them and let them all sleep on my bed.

I also love netball, basketball, athletics and Golden State Warriors. Plus you just may see me on the slopes of Falls Creek tackling the Blue-ish ski runs. Such a great place of beauty, freedom and yes unfortunately for me, skiing flops!

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